Search Results

56 results         
Large terracotta pot of white marguerites on a  stone patio. (Ref. AE802202)
Large terracotta pot of white marguerites on a stone patio.
 Lush green and white planting in corner of town garden - marguerites and yuccas with variegated ivy  in a wicker container (Ref. TM802206)
Lush green and white planting in corner of town garden - marguerites and yuccas with variegated ivy in a wicker container
Close-up of vase of yellow chrysanthemums on table with yellow plastic bowls and jug in modern dining room (Ref. EF519012)
Close-up of vase of yellow chrysanthemums on table with yellow plastic bowls and jug in modern dining room
Close-up of modern glass vase with single lime-green chrsanthemum (Ref. NC600655)
Close-up of modern glass vase with single lime-green chrsanthemum
Corner of a modern town garden with silver and white planting  with a mirrored obelisk and cicular water feature (Ref. DD900109)
Corner of a modern town garden with silver and white planting with a mirrored obelisk and cicular water feature
A pot of marguerites by a box knot with lavender and ladies mantle. (Ref. DD900505)
A pot of marguerites by a box knot with lavender and ladies mantle.

 Yew plinths topped with topiary  birds in a perennial border with marguerites. (Ref. DD900954)
Yew plinths topped with topiary birds in a perennial border with marguerites.
Close-up of green chrysanthemum flower on metal stairs (Ref. DF331811)
Close-up of green chrysanthemum flower on metal stairs
Close-up of vase of yellow chrysanthemums and white tureen on wooden table (Ref. DH374403)
Close-up of vase of yellow chrysanthemums and white tureen on wooden table
Still-Life of pink and white chrysanthemums in glass vase on garden table (Ref. DI200056)
Still-Life of pink and white chrysanthemums in glass vase on garden table
Still-Life of pot of colourful chrysanthemums on table with vegetable marrow (Ref. DI704191)
Still-Life of pot of colourful chrysanthemums on table with vegetable marrow
Close up of orange and yellow chrysanthemum
Close up of orange and yellow chrysanthemum "Rytorch"
Close up of white chrysanthemum
Close up of white chrysanthemum "Frutescens"
Close up of Chrysanthemum
Close up of Chrysanthemum "Ryans Pink"
Close up of double white Chrysanthemum
Close up of double white Chrysanthemum "Angora"
Close up of cream double chrysanthemums (Ref. JH900183)
Close up of cream double chrysanthemums
Close up of bronze chrysanthemum
Close up of bronze chrysanthemum "Autumn Days"
Close up of pale pink chrysanthemums (Ref. JH900333)
Close up of pale pink chrysanthemums
Pond with decking and water plants in town garden (Ref. KB370518)
Pond with decking and water plants in town garden
Close-up of orange butterfly on white daisy (Ref. KB900107)
Close-up of orange butterfly on white daisy
Topiary pink chrysanthemums in large country garden in summer (Ref. MN221239)
Topiary pink chrysanthemums in large country garden in summer
Still-Life of lime-green chrysanthemums and yellow floating candles in blue bowl of water (Ref. MT481356)
Still-Life of lime-green chrysanthemums and yellow floating candles in blue bowl of water
" Bright blue through with grasses,marigolds and marguerites in front of an Ausrtian pine in a large country garedn"
Pink and yellow chrysanthemums in back garden  (Ref. OR804509)
Pink and yellow chrysanthemums in back garden
  Terracotta pot with white marguerites at the edge of a swimming pool (Ref. RH802203)
Terracotta pot with white marguerites at the edge of a swimming pool
Close up of pink Chrysanthemum
Close up of pink Chrysanthemum "Anne "
Close up of white Chrysanthemum
Close up of white Chrysanthemum "Maximum"
Still-life of vases with chrysanthemum reliefs (Ref. XD101023)
Still-life of vases with chrysanthemum reliefs
Close-up of chrysanthemum-patterned cushion with beaded silk cushions on bed with dark grey silk velvet quilt (Ref. XX558621)
Close-up of chrysanthemum-patterned cushion with beaded silk cushions on bed with dark grey silk velvet quilt
Chrysanthemum-patterned cushion with beaded silk cushions on bed with dark grey silk velvet quilt (Ref. XX558622)
Chrysanthemum-patterned cushion with beaded silk cushions on bed with dark grey silk velvet quilt
Still-Life of dahlia patterned textured vases and single lime green chrysanthemum against autumn foliage (Ref. DI900417)
Still-Life of dahlia patterned textured vases and single lime green chrysanthemum against autumn foliage
Still-Life of white lily with small lime-green chrysanthemums and pussy willows (Ref. AC598421)
Still-Life of white lily with small lime-green chrysanthemums and pussy willows
Still-Life of white and red chrysanthemums in glass vase (Ref. ZB531318)
Still-Life of white and red chrysanthemums in glass vase
Still-Life of assorted objects on painted table (Ref. LU595017)
Still-Life of assorted objects on painted table
Doorway in ivy covered wall with narrow border of tulips,iris and marigolds.. (Ref. ZZ246452)
Doorway in ivy covered wall with narrow border of tulips,iris and marigolds..
Still-Life of formal garland of marigolds with rudbeckia and red geraniums (Ref. DL900243)
Still-Life of formal garland of marigolds with rudbeckia and red geraniums
Arrangement of pink chrysanthemums and large twig in rectangular container filled with slate (Ref. DL900333)
Arrangement of pink chrysanthemums and large twig in rectangular container filled with slate
Arrangement of pink chrysanthemums and large twig in rectangular container filled with slate (Ref. DL900334)
Arrangement of pink chrysanthemums and large twig in rectangular container filled with slate

Self collected Herbal provided in a tea strainer on a autumn decorated tray UK+IRISH RIGHTS ONLY. (Ref. FP00807033)
Self collected Herbal provided in a tea strainer on a autumn decorated tray UK+IRISH RIGHTS ONLY.
Self Collected herbal tea in a tea strainer is ready on a cup for pouring and stands along with a cup of herbal tea on a autumn decorated tray UK+IRISH RIGHTS ONLY. (Ref. FP00807034)
Self Collected herbal tea in a tea strainer is ready on a cup for pouring and stands along with a cup of herbal tea on a autumn decorated tray UK+IRISH RIGHTS ONLY.
A cup of herbal tea on a autumn decorated tray  

A cup of herbal tea on a autumn decorated tray UK USE ONLY/EMAIL TO CLEAR OTHER RIGHTS
Table decoration with Chrysanthemum 

Table decoration with Chrysanthemum UK USE ONLY/EMAIL TO CLEAR OTHER RIGHTS
Bowl of apples and potted chrysanthemum on pine table in eighties kitchen (Ref. JT147108)
Bowl of apples and potted chrysanthemum on pine table in eighties kitchen
Lime green chrysanthemum against slatted blind (Ref. XX200241)
Lime green chrysanthemum against slatted blind
Herbs in striped pots with lime green chrysanthemum (Ref. XX900195)
Herbs in striped pots with lime green chrysanthemum
Still-Life of blue hydrangeas and lime-green chrysanthemums (Ref. XX9002186)
Still-Life of blue hydrangeas and lime-green chrysanthemums
Close up of a clump of marguerites. (Ref. DW800112)
Close up of a clump of marguerites.
Atumn decoration with Jack O'Lantern UK & Irish rights only available.  Contact office to have additional rights cleared. (Ref. FP01769130)
Atumn decoration with Jack O'Lantern UK & Irish rights only available. Contact office to have additional rights cleared.
Pumpkins, rose hips, Chrysanthemum and oak leaves in a basket UK & IRISH RIGHT ONLY (Ref. FP01680264)
Pumpkins, rose hips, Chrysanthemum and oak leaves in a basket UK & IRISH RIGHT ONLY
Autumn still life UK+Irish rights only - call office for any other territories (Ref. FP01449079)
Autumn still life UK+Irish rights only - call office for any other territories
Autumn decoration on a potting bench UK & IRISH RIGHTS ONLY, 
Autumn decoration on a potting bench UK & IRISH RIGHTS ONLY, OTHERS CONTACT EWASTOCK.COM
Woman selling flowers in a flower market, Mandalay, Myanmar, (Burma) (Ref. MG3507)
Woman selling flowers in a flower market, Mandalay, Myanmar, (Burma)
Flowers being carried on a motorcycle at a flower market, Mandalay, Myanmar, (Burma) (Ref. MG3515)
Flowers being carried on a motorcycle at a flower market, Mandalay, Myanmar, (Burma)
Colourful decorative piece of Chinese furniture, Xi’an, China (Ref. MG9530)
Colourful decorative piece of Chinese furniture, Xi’an, China