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423 results         
Pale grey silk and white voile drapes on fourposter bed with with bed cover in elegant townhouse bedroom (Ref. AE165701)
Pale grey silk and white voile drapes on fourposter bed with with bed cover in elegant townhouse bedroom
White voile mosquito net above bed with orange woven bedspread in rustic Majorcan bedroom with rough stone walls (Ref. AE236614)
White voile mosquito net above bed with orange woven bedspread in rustic Majorcan bedroom with rough stone walls
Limewashed wood panelled walls in white Caribbean cottage bedroom with white voile curtains  (Ref. BU437811)
Limewashed wood panelled walls in white Caribbean cottage bedroom with white voile curtains
Close-up of vase of pink roses on worktop below window with lace curtains (Ref. SL434406)
Close-up of vase of pink roses on worktop below window with lace curtains
Mauve bedlinen on brass bed in large modern bedroom (Ref. SP484315)
Mauve bedlinen on brass bed in large modern bedroom
White table and chairs in eighties dining room with white voile curtains on glass doors to patio (Ref. BH220929)
White table and chairs in eighties dining room with white voile curtains on glass doors to patio
Cream sofal in modern Spanish living room with French doors to balcony (Ref. SS473067)
Cream sofal in modern Spanish living room with French doors to balcony
Blue checked sofas and pine coffee table in eighties style living room with patterned wallpaper and sheer drapes (Ref. BH221028)
Blue checked sofas and pine coffee table in eighties style living room with patterned wallpaper and sheer drapes
Metal chairs at table set for lunch in white Maltese dining room with textured cream voile curtains (Ref. BU532311)
Metal chairs at table set for lunch in white Maltese dining room with textured cream voile curtains
Blue armchair and footstool in front of French windows with white voile curtains on portiere rods (Ref. BU562608)
Blue armchair and footstool in front of French windows with white voile curtains on portiere rods
Plain wood table and upholstered chairs in yellow dining room with lace curtains on French windows (Ref. TL607131)
Plain wood table and upholstered chairs in yellow dining room with lace curtains on French windows
Close-up of coarse net curtains and white feathers (Ref. TL607145)
Close-up of coarse net curtains and white feathers
Black leather chair and cream sofa in modern apartment living room (Ref. BU533204)
Black leather chair and cream sofa in modern apartment living room
Small circular table and cream sofa with cream faux fur cushion beside windows with white voile curtains (Ref. BU533206)
Small circular table and cream sofa with cream faux fur cushion beside windows with white voile curtains
White pillows and sheet on plain wood bed with woollen blanket in city bedroom with white voile drapes  (Ref. BU533223)
White pillows and sheet on plain wood bed with woollen blanket in city bedroom with white voile drapes
White voile drapes on rail above rolltop slipper bath in church conversion bathroom with wooden flooring (Ref. BU533415)
White voile drapes on rail above rolltop slipper bath in church conversion bathroom with wooden flooring
Lighted candles on table set for lunch in yellow country dining room with blue alcove shelving (Ref. CR359012)
Lighted candles on table set for lunch in yellow country dining room with blue alcove shelving
Pink glass bowls and blue+green checked cloth on table in pale blue dining room with pine dresser  (Ref. TT541406)
Pink glass bowls and blue+green checked cloth on table in pale blue dining room with pine dresser
White voile drapes on French windows (Ref. DI146217)
White voile drapes on French windows
Red curtains and white blind with red ribbon trim in dining room with table set for lunch with white cloth (Ref. TT541409)
Red curtains and white blind with red ribbon trim in dining room with table set for lunch with white cloth
White voile drapes on window in white bathroom with tall glass-fronted cupboard and black+white chequerboard floor (Ref. CW530121)
White voile drapes on window in white bathroom with tall glass-fronted cupboard and black+white chequerboard floor
Pale yellow door curtain beside beige patterned sofa with matching cushions in country living room (Ref. CX508707)
Pale yellow door curtain beside beige patterned sofa with matching cushions in country living room
Pink voile curtains on window above radiator in child's pink bedroom with white voile drapes above white metal bed (Ref. CX509025)
Pink voile curtains on window above radiator in child's pink bedroom with white voile drapes above white metal bed
Close-up of window with white lace curtain and wooden shutter (Ref. EP705708)
Close-up of window with white lace curtain and wooden shutter
Lamp on antique inlaid chest-of-drawers beside cheval glass in front of windows with patterned voile curtains (Ref. DI540417)
Lamp on antique inlaid chest-of-drawers beside cheval glass in front of windows with patterned voile curtains
White voile drapes above bed with pink Toile-de-Jouy duvet in pink country bedroom with cream chest-of-drawers (Ref. DI570820)
White voile drapes above bed with pink Toile-de-Jouy duvet in pink country bedroom with cream chest-of-drawers
Painted ladderback chair in front of window with white voile drapes in Tuscan bedroom with striped cover on bed (Ref. DO490220)
Painted ladderback chair in front of window with white voile drapes in Tuscan bedroom with striped cover on bed
Cream sofas and white voile curtains in white French living room with oriental rug on stone flooring  (Ref. DO519408)
Cream sofas and white voile curtains in white French living room with oriental rug on stone flooring
Rose patterned shower curtains on bath in French country bathroom with cream painted chair beside bath (Ref. DO519613)
Rose patterned shower curtains on bath in French country bathroom with cream painted chair beside bath
white net and green curtains in small livingroom with yellow walls and oval mirror above fireplace (Ref. IP288224)
white net and green curtains in small livingroom with yellow walls and oval mirror above fireplace
Blue curtains in white living room (Ref. KB705704)
Blue curtains in white living room
Pink blind on window in pastel pink country bedroom with pink quilt on bed  (Ref. CW508203)
Pink blind on window in pastel pink country bedroom with pink quilt on bed
Floral curtain and pink net curtain on small window above basin in eighties bathroom with co-ordinating wallpaper (Ref. KU546802)
Floral curtain and pink net curtain on small window above basin in eighties bathroom with co-ordinating wallpaper
Cream lace curtains on window (Ref. KU547108)
Cream lace curtains on window
White chest below bed with mauve duvet in Greek coastal bedroom with white voile curtains on glass doors (Ref. EF526408)
White chest below bed with mauve duvet in Greek coastal bedroom with white voile curtains on glass doors
Pale green curtain on window in Moroccan bedroom with carved wooden Moroccan chairs and small table (Ref. EF540218)
Pale green curtain on window in Moroccan bedroom with carved wooden Moroccan chairs and small table
Wall-mounted steel radiator in split-level blue bathroom with toilet below walnut panelled wall (Ref. LU411614)
Wall-mounted steel radiator in split-level blue bathroom with toilet below walnut panelled wall
Moroccan bedroom with red voile curtains on window and heavy beige curtains on French windows  (Ref. EF540224)
Moroccan bedroom with red voile curtains on window and heavy beige curtains on French windows
Blue voile drapes on window above small wooden bed with red+white checked pillows and linen in child's blue bedroom (Ref. CX508520)
Blue voile drapes on window above small wooden bed with red+white checked pillows and linen in child's blue bedroom
White painted mirror above dressing table with floral drapes in front of window with white sheers in bedroom with tented roof (Ref. MD100024)
White painted mirror above dressing table with floral drapes in front of window with white sheers in bedroom with tented roof
Traditional Bedroom with Sheer Drapes (Ref. MD107009)
Traditional Bedroom with Sheer Drapes
White muslin drapes above bed piled with white pillows and with white quilt and cream blanket in country bedroom (Ref. MD255514)
White muslin drapes above bed piled with white pillows and with white quilt and cream blanket in country bedroom
Blue painted curtain pole holding a sheer tab top curtain (Ref. CZ470805)
Blue painted curtain pole holding a sheer tab top curtain
Close-up of hands holding scissors and sewing white voile blind  (Ref. CZ471002)
Close-up of hands holding scissors and sewing white voile blind
Close-up of hands sewing pull attachment onto white voile blind on window (Ref. CZ471003)
Close-up of hands sewing pull attachment onto white voile blind on window
Close-up of white voile blind on small window (Ref. CZ471009)
Close-up of white voile blind on small window
Cream quilts and blue valances on ilt twin beds in bedroom with peach-striped wallpaper and pine rockingchair  (Ref. MD551936)
Cream quilts and blue valances on ilt twin beds in bedroom with peach-striped wallpaper and pine rockingchair
White voile drapes on bed with lace bedspread in white eighties bedroom with trompe-l'oeil painted flowers on wall (Ref. MD551943)
White voile drapes on bed with lace bedspread in white eighties bedroom with trompe-l'oeil painted flowers on wall
close-up of embroidered voile and silk curtains with gilt tie-back (Ref. HH582719)
close-up of embroidered voile and silk curtains with gilt tie-back
Lace curtains and green chairs in traditional living room (Ref. MD552264)
Lace curtains and green chairs in traditional living room
Opulent white voile drapes with green pelmet on window in eighties bedroom with white chairs in front of the window (Ref. MD552454)
Opulent white voile drapes with green pelmet on window in eighties bedroom with white chairs in front of the window
Patterned yellow carpet in traditional living room with lace curtains (Ref. MD552458)
Patterned yellow carpet in traditional living room with lace curtains
Red festoon blind on window in eighties living room with floral carpet and green wallpaper (Ref. MD552604)
Red festoon blind on window in eighties living room with floral carpet and green wallpaper
Floral drapes and voile curtains on window in eighties living room with lamp on small antique table (Ref. MD552605)
Floral drapes and voile curtains on window in eighties living room with lamp on small antique table
Wrought-iron bed in mauve bedroom with white voile curtains on window and cat sitting beside fitted wardrobe (Ref. LU546411)
Wrought-iron bed in mauve bedroom with white voile curtains on window and cat sitting beside fitted wardrobe
White voile drapes on four-poster bed with white duvet in bedroom with tulip-patterned curtains on window (Ref. LU546612)
White voile drapes on four-poster bed with white duvet in bedroom with tulip-patterned curtains on window
Patterned white voile curtains on window with view of the garden above old earthenware sink with houseplants  (Ref. LU546703)
Patterned white voile curtains on window with view of the garden above old earthenware sink with houseplants
Pink and lilac silk cushions on tulip patterned bedcover in cottage bedroom with white voile curtain and pine door (Ref. LU572016)
Pink and lilac silk cushions on tulip patterned bedcover in cottage bedroom with white voile curtain and pine door
Bded in front of window with white curtains (Ref. DA453012)
Bded in front of window with white curtains
White swagged drapes and blue voile curtain on window in blue living room with armchair beside fireplace (Ref. DA472217)
White swagged drapes and blue voile curtain on window in blue living room with armchair beside fireplace
White Victorian birdcage decorated with porcelain roses and lace  in front of window with lace curtains (Ref. MN221738)
White Victorian birdcage decorated with porcelain roses and lace in front of window with lace curtains
Lighted lamps on skirted dressingtable with upholstered stool in pastel blue bedroom with sheers and blue curtains (Ref. MN221742)
Lighted lamps on skirted dressingtable with upholstered stool in pastel blue bedroom with sheers and blue curtains
Close-up of pink voile ruched blind on stained glass window (Ref. MN701041)
Close-up of pink voile ruched blind on stained glass window
Traditional blue and white bathroom with roll top bath  (Ref. DA483820)
Traditional blue and white bathroom with roll top bath
Pink voile tent above bed in pink teenage bedroom with blue curtains (Ref. DA483821)
Pink voile tent above bed in pink teenage bedroom with blue curtains
Mauve silk quilt on bed on modern bedroom with white fitted wardrobes (Ref. DA513303)
Mauve silk quilt on bed on modern bedroom with white fitted wardrobes
White curtains on window in cottage bedroom with painted floral decoration on fitted wardrobe and cupboard (Ref. NC220312)
White curtains on window in cottage bedroom with painted floral decoration on fitted wardrobe and cupboard
Purple voile curtains on window in mauve bedroom with black wrought iron bed (Ref. ND379203)
Purple voile curtains on window in mauve bedroom with black wrought iron bed
Neutral Bedroom with Flooding Sunlight from Window (Ref. ND423210)
Neutral Bedroom with Flooding Sunlight from Window
Sculpture heads and neo-classical statues in bathroom with cloud painted walls and ceiling and voile shower curtain (Ref. NL165096)
Sculpture heads and neo-classical statues in bathroom with cloud painted walls and ceiling and voile shower curtain
White voile screens in front of windows in bright blue bedroom with gilt mirror above console table (Ref. NL701312)
White voile screens in front of windows in bright blue bedroom with gilt mirror above console table
Toilet and basin in a traditional yellow bathroom  (Ref. DB412319)
Toilet and basin in a traditional yellow bathroom
Cane-back chairs at table with red cloth set for lunch in dining room with cream+brown voile drapes and lighted lamp

 (Ref. ML559008)
Cane-back chairs at table with red cloth set for lunch in dining room with cream+brown voile drapes and lighted lamp
Velux window above white wrought-iron bed with patchwork quilt and crisp white pillows in pale blue attic bedroom  (Ref. NC600729)
Velux window above white wrought-iron bed with patchwork quilt and crisp white pillows in pale blue attic bedroom
Coronet with white curtains above square white bath with green and orange panelling in traditional bathroom (Ref. TC220840)
Coronet with white curtains above square white bath with green and orange panelling in traditional bathroom
Painted white chair beside window with white voile drapes and blue checked curtains in blue bathroom (Ref. NC604903)
Painted white chair beside window with white voile drapes and blue checked curtains in blue bathroom
Comfortable cream armchair in front of glass patio doors with white voile curtains in townhouse living room  (Ref. NC604965)
Comfortable cream armchair in front of glass patio doors with white voile curtains in townhouse living room
Vibrant blue wallpaper in eighties bedroom with blue blanket on simple bed (Ref. ZZ707524)
Vibrant blue wallpaper in eighties bedroom with blue blanket on simple bed
White curtains on window in white country bathroom (Ref. DF336134)
White curtains on window in white country bathroom
Contemporary white bathroom with stone top bath and yellow curtains (Ref. DF412719)
Contemporary white bathroom with stone top bath and yellow curtains
Large traditional white bathroom with wicker chair and sheer curtains  (Ref. DF412720)
Large traditional white bathroom with wicker chair and sheer curtains
Close-up of white wicker chair in front of window with white voile curtains (Ref. DF455707)
Close-up of white wicker chair in front of window with white voile curtains
Blue dado panelling in turquoise bathroom (Ref. DH357322)
Blue dado panelling in turquoise bathroom
Blue+white chequer-board vinyl floor in country bathroom with blue+white floral wallpaper and white voile curtains (Ref. DH384010)
Blue+white chequer-board vinyl floor in country bathroom with blue+white floral wallpaper and white voile curtains
Sunny yellow and white bedroom with white voile curtains (Ref. DI146226)
Sunny yellow and white bedroom with white voile curtains
Blue stamped border above white sheer curtain on window above double white ceramic sink in yellow cottage kitchen (Ref. DI273402)
Blue stamped border above white sheer curtain on window above double white ceramic sink in yellow cottage kitchen
Floral wedding head-dresses and veil on white bed in country bedroom (Ref. DI900127)
Floral wedding head-dresses and veil on white bed in country bedroom
White voile drapes and blue plantation shutters on window (Ref. DO328002)
White voile drapes and blue plantation shutters on window
Close-up of white voile curtains at French window (Ref. DO328004)
Close-up of white voile curtains at French window
White voile drapes on cottage window above yellow chair  (Ref. DO328006)
White voile drapes on cottage window above yellow chair
Velux window above bed in attic bedroom (Ref. DO332318)
Velux window above bed in attic bedroom
White muslin curtains and louvre shutters in white bathroom with wicker laundry basket and black towel above bath (Ref. DO487216)
White muslin curtains and louvre shutters in white bathroom with wicker laundry basket and black towel above bath
White voile curtains on window above antique marble-topped washstand with jug and basin in country bathroom (Ref. DS189088)
White voile curtains on window above antique marble-topped washstand with jug and basin in country bathroom
Tartan throw on bed in lime-green bedrool with black and white cloths on circular table in front of window (Ref. DS304709)
Tartan throw on bed in lime-green bedrool with black and white cloths on circular table in front of window
White bedroom with sheer curtains (Ref. DS447911)
White bedroom with sheer curtains
Pale blue spotted voile curtains on window above old pine chest of drawers in bedroom with pale blue armchair (Ref. GC165063)
Pale blue spotted voile curtains on window above old pine chest of drawers in bedroom with pale blue armchair
White armchair and pine chest-of-drawers below window with white voile curtains (Ref. GC196021)
White armchair and pine chest-of-drawers below window with white voile curtains
White voile drapes and cream blinds on large windows in Scandinavian-style living room with sisal carpet (Ref. GH705702)
White voile drapes and cream blinds on large windows in Scandinavian-style living room with sisal carpet
Citrus tree between orange curtain and blue sofa (Ref. IX419802)
Citrus tree between orange curtain and blue sofa

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