Search Results

46 results         
Trompe-l'oeil plate painted on wall above bluje ceramic bottle and wooden box with primulas (Ref. SH514714)
Trompe-l'oeil plate painted on wall above bluje ceramic bottle and wooden box with primulas
Close-up of primula
Close-up of primula "Gold Lace" in wooden pot
Close-up of yellow primulas in snow (Ref. DD184753)
Close-up of yellow primulas in snow
Traditional two- wheeled cart  planted with primulas, and grasses (Ref. DD322904)
Traditional two- wheeled cart planted with primulas, and grasses
 Stream edged with primulas, bistort,grasses and azeleas. (Ref. DD900643)
Stream edged with primulas, bistort,grasses and azeleas.
 Pink candelabra primulas at  a pond margin picking up the colour of maroon foliaged waterlilies. (Ref. DD900649)
Pink candelabra primulas at a pond margin picking up the colour of maroon foliaged waterlilies.
Red & yellow tulipa
Red & yellow tulipa "Synaeda King" with yellow primulas in stone barrel
Still-life of yellow and red primulas in stemmed glass vase (Ref. DI146202)
Still-life of yellow and red primulas in stemmed glass vase
Still-life of purple primulas and blue iris in bowl on rustic wooden bench with lace-edged throw (Ref. DI706302)
Still-life of purple primulas and blue iris in bowl on rustic wooden bench with lace-edged throw
Close-up of pink primulas in cups in front of mirror (Ref. DI706313)
Close-up of pink primulas in cups in front of mirror
Close-up of colourful primulas in plastic pot on Victorian cast-iron railings (Ref. DW223564)
Close-up of colourful primulas in plastic pot on Victorian cast-iron railings
Close up of blue muscari with red and yellow primulas in Spring border (Ref. EW900224)
Close up of blue muscari with red and yellow primulas in Spring border
Close up of yellow primulas and pink cyclamen in Spring windowbox (Ref. FC802216)
Close up of yellow primulas and pink cyclamen in Spring windowbox
Close-up of terracotta pots with hostas and yellow primulas and daffodils (Ref. JP800135)
Close-up of terracotta pots with hostas and yellow primulas and daffodils
Stone paving in country garden (Ref. KB101331)
Stone paving in country garden
Basket of primulas on paint grey dresser with floral stencilling (Ref. KU184624)
Basket of primulas on paint grey dresser with floral stencilling
 Blue  painted patio furniture with a spring border of polyanthus and daffodils around the base of a tree. (Ref. LU390514)
Blue painted patio furniture with a spring border of polyanthus and daffodils around the base of a tree.
Primroses, pink primulas with winter flowering cyclamen. (Ref. MO800107)
Primroses, pink primulas with winter flowering cyclamen.
Close-up of red, blue and white primulas with yellow tulips (Ref. OR804550)
Close-up of red, blue and white primulas with yellow tulips
Pot of white primulas on yellow antique tray table (Ref. BH778962)
Pot of white primulas on yellow antique tray table
Close-up of pink and yellow primroses  (Ref. LU542421)
Close-up of pink and yellow primroses
Primulas in pots on window of country kitchen (Ref. SZ537908)
Primulas in pots on window of country kitchen
Colourful primulas and tall bay tree in pots beside black front door of Victorian terraced house (Ref. FC802213)
Colourful primulas and tall bay tree in pots beside black front door of Victorian terraced house
Vase of red tulips on windowsill with a pot of white primulas and a vase of twigs (Ref. KB704101)
Vase of red tulips on windowsill with a pot of white primulas and a vase of twigs
Birdhouse with Primula, Viola cornuta and Geranium robertianum 

Birdhouse with Primula, Viola cornuta and Geranium robertianum UK USE ONLY/EMAIL TO CLEAR OTHER RIGHTS
Close-up of pale yellow and double pink primroses (Ref. DD164604)
Close-up of pale yellow and double pink primroses
Primula Japonica and Hakonechloa Macra beside stream (Ref. DD184823)
Primula Japonica and Hakonechloa Macra beside stream
Close-up of pink Candelabra Primroses (Ref. DD901232)
Close-up of pink Candelabra Primroses
Close-up of Primula
Close-up of Primula "Vialli" with pink Erysimum
Close-up of hellebores and pink primulas growing beside low stone wall (Ref. PH324916)
Close-up of hellebores and pink primulas growing beside low stone wall
Close-up of red tulips and yellow primulas (Ref. TM200085)
Close-up of red tulips and yellow primulas
Close-up of pink hyacinths and white primulas (Ref. TM800193)
Close-up of pink hyacinths and white primulas
Red and yellow polyanthus in a small bed in a large country garden in Spring (Ref. TM802035)
Red and yellow polyanthus in a small bed in a large country garden in Spring
Blue Grape Hyacinths with red and yellow primulas in a Spring border (Ref. TM803365)
Blue Grape Hyacinths with red and yellow primulas in a Spring border
Close-up of yellow and red primulas planted with scarlet and yellow tulips (Ref. OR800155)
Close-up of yellow and red primulas planted with scarlet and yellow tulips
Close-up of a gardener watering in newly planted primulas (Ref. OR802520)
Close-up of a gardener watering in newly planted primulas
Loaf of bread and pot of primulas on small wooden table with vintage office chairs in country kitchen (Ref. PC953803)
Loaf of bread and pot of primulas on small wooden table with vintage office chairs in country kitchen
Close-up of pink flowered bergenia with purple polyanthus (Ref. LU271101)
Close-up of pink flowered bergenia with purple polyanthus
Red and yellow tulips in border with primroses and wallflowers (Ref. LU271617)
Red and yellow tulips in border with primroses and wallflowers
Close-up of yellow and pink primroses (Ref. LU271644)
Close-up of yellow and pink primroses
Close-up of a border of yellow and pink primroses (Ref. LU271646)
Close-up of a border of yellow and pink primroses
Curved   brick path with a large stand of pink candelabra primulas (Ref. JH173135)
Curved brick path with a large stand of pink candelabra primulas
Lush green ferns in large country garden with pink primula
Lush green ferns in large country garden with pink primula "Candelabra"
Stamp technique decorated book 

Stamp technique decorated book UK USE ONLY/EMAIL TO CLEAR OTHER RIGHTS
Modern sculpture on wooden plinth on paving patio with pots of colourful spring plants and small conifer (Ref. LU991430)
Modern sculpture on wooden plinth on paving patio with pots of colourful spring plants and small conifer